During the 3rd annual PADEMIA conference on the 20th of May, 2016, Kaare Strøm gave a speech on the perils of parliamentary democracy and the Madisonian turn. The speech was recorded and is now publicly available. The video can be accessed by clicking the portrait.
Kaare Strøm
The Perils of Parliamentary Democracy and the Madisonian Turn
In the fall of 2014 a number of academic experts from the PADEMIA network have been invited to give a ‘signature talk’ to lay out the key ideas of PADEMIA at a workshop on ‘Multilevel Democracy’ hosted by VU University Amsterdam. These have been made permanently available here as weblectures. The videos can be accessed by clicking the portrait.
Wolfgang Wessels
Opportunities and Constraints for a Multilevel Parliamentarism. Models of Multilevel Parliamentary Cooperation.
Christopher Lord
An Indirect Legitimacy Argument for a Directly Elected European Parliament.
Rick de Ruiter
Early Agreements in the European Parliament and National Parliaments.
Thomas Winzen
Why National Parliaments React to European Integration.
Katrin Auel
De-Parliamentarisation Re-Considered. Parliamentary Communication of EU Affairs.
Katjana Gattermann
News About the European Parliament.
John Erik Fossum
EU Democracy in Light of Different Conceptions of the EU Political System.
Ben Crum
EU Parliamentarism as a “Multilevel Parliamentary Field”.
Olivier Costa
The Parliamentarization of the EU. An Assessment after the 2014 Elections.
Johannes Pollak
Hunting the Snark. Colliding, Colluding, Confusing Modes of Representation in the European Union.